Overseeding Can Revitalize the Health & Beauty of Your Lawn | Turf Badger

Restore your thinning turf by scheduling an overseeding service. Learn about the benefits of overseeding and how it can enhance the health and appearance of your lawn!
Liquid Aeration vs Core Aeration – Which Option Is Right for You? | Turf Badger

Liquid aeration and core aeration can help nutrients and resources reach the roots of your grass. Read on to find out which service is the one for you!
Keep a Look Out for These Tell-Tale Signs of a Lawn Grub Infestation | Turf Badger

Grubs can cause significant damage to lawns if they are not treated in a timely manner. Keep an eye out for signs that your lawn is infested with grubs.
3 Ways to Protect Yourself During Tick Season in Wisconsin | Turf Badger

You can protect yourself during tick season by wearing light-colored, long clothing, performing a full-body check once you’re inside, and scheduling tick treatments for your property.
Are Mosquitoes Ruining Your Summer Fun? Keep Them Away With These Tips | Turf Badger

Keep mosquitoes off of your property by removing standing water and debris, keeping your grass trimmed, and scheduling professional treatments.
How Long Should You Keep Your Pets off the Lawn After a Fertilizer Treatment? | Turf Badger

The amount of time you should keep your pets off your lawn after a fertilizer treatment can vary greatly. Always consult with your lawn care provider to be safe!
Why Are There Seed Heads in My Lawn? | Turf Badger

The seeding phase for grass in Wisconsin happens in the spring and is a sign of a healthy lawn. Although seeding won’t produce new grass, it is still beneficial for your lawn.
How Often Should You Be Fertilizing Your Lawn in Wisconsin? | Turf Badger

In Wisconsin, fertilize your lawn twice in spring and summer and once in fall. This will ensure it has plentiful resources year-round to combat environmental challenges.
Don’t Take Your Chances – Avoid Grub Damage With a Preventative Treatment | Turf Badger

Preventative grub control is a great way to avoid significant damage to your lawn. Learn more about how it works and when to apply it!
3 Ways You Might Be Causing Necrotic Ring Spot to Form on Your Lawn | Turf Badger

If you are overwatering your lawn, following improper mowing practices, or overusing quick-release nitrogen, you might be causing necrotic ring spot to form on your lawn.